Sunday 31 August 2014

Robo Brain Will Teach Robots

Human Brain is the most perfect machinery on this planet. It is capable of doing wonders with its abilities. Putting some of its intelligence into another machines we have given birth to ROBOTS.

Robots now a  days can perform many different activities such as fetching a glass of water, roaming around without hitting anything on way , talking to you and much more. But the fact behind all this is that it is being programmed by humans in such a way to get those tasks done. To change this scenario now the researchers are working on something else. Researchers are now working on Robo Brain.

Robo Brain is basically a very large computational system that will collates information from internet and also from the other database already defined in it. It will learn by itself through accessing the online web services at every moment. It is being said that this Robo Brain would be installed in future robots to enhance their performance on self basis.

According to researchers this technology would do make robots to make certain decisions by themselves only. For example : A Robot(with this technology installed on it) is being asked to format a computer. The Robot would access all the webpages of " How to format a computer? " , retrieve information from the best , follow the steps written in that and would format the computer within  few moments in front of your eyes. That is the basic concept of this technology.

Currently the researchers are downloading billion of images, hundreds of how to tutorials and more than 150,000 you tube videos. These all will be used for trial purposes and after the successful trial, actual internet services will be implemented.


Thus this technology ROBO BRAIN would prove itself to be the teacher of robots. It would make them learn anything from the web without any human involvement which would reduce labor and time to a  much extent.
I guess soon we will be seeing self taught robots roaming around us.                                                              

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