Thursday 29 January 2015

Latest in Tech - Metal Bounces Back Water

Water always used to dominate the metal by damaging it, but now the things are somehow twisted. The metal now says a straightforward NO to the rust, wear and decay caused by water. Well, the credit goes to the latest laser process technology which has stood on metal's side in getting the revenge.

The scientists at University of Rochester have developed a technique in which the metal surface becomes 100% completely water repellent. The technique uses precised laser patterns that renders metals superhydrophobic.

Water is liquid and has the tendency to flow and changing the shape. But this time the water is not allowed to flow. This is actually a great happening in history of science and technology because till date there was no any kind of surface present on this earth that could repel water.

Scientists are talking about using this technology firstly in airplanes. This is because an aircraft has to fly at very high altitudes where the temperature is extremely very low. That is where the icing occurs on the wings and body of airplanes. So, this technology will prevent water from freezing on the airplane in the first place or, we can say that the water will just roll off the surface and bounce back.

Overall I can say that this is really a very new thing to us and, soon this technology will find its place in a lot of other areas also. There may be a time in future when while raining the water droplets instead of flowing in the form of water stream, will act as bouncing balls in front of you. Just imagine the view.

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