Monday 27 July 2015

WhatsApp - How To Sure Check If You Are Blocked

Whatsapp messenger
Many sometimes you might have quarreled up with your boyfriend/girlfriend or any other person over whatsapp and later on, you find yourself not able to see their status, their profile picture disappears and you are not able to send any text to them. Clearly, this means you are BLOCKED.

You feel pretty much neglected then, don't you ? And, after sometime/some days, they tell you that there might be some network problem. But were you really blocked or not ?

I am sharing two different ways to find if you are really blocked or is it just the network issue.

Here you go:


1)  Open the person's chat/contact whom you want to check

2)  Open the options

3)  Choose to 'Pay for' option

WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot
WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot

4)  If the person has not blocked you, you will be able to see the duration of years to pay for, mode of payment etc.

5)  If you are blocked, you got to see this.

WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot
WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot


1)  Create a group

WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot
WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot

2)  Add the person in the group as member whom you want to check on.

WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot
WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot

3)  If you are not blocked, the group of you two will be created.

4) If you are blocked, you got to see this.

WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot
WhatsApp Messenger Screenshot

NOTE : If you use second method, the person whom you are checking on, might come to know about this as it WhatsApp will leave a notification to his/her that that they were added on group.

Hope it was helpful for you. Keep an eye on the blockers now. ;)

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